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Googly Glass

Googly Glass is indescribable using human words. It must be experienced.


Googly Glass

Googly Glass is indescribable using human words. It must be experienced.

From the moment we are born, our bodies limit us. We rely on computers to supplement what limited information our brains can barely recall.  Computers make us smarter than we've ever been.

But what about our eyeballs? What could possibly make our eyeballs smarter?

With Googly Glass, you'll be smarter than you've ever been.


What It Does

What It Does

The question is not what it does, but how it makes you feel.


How It Makes You Feel

How It Makes You Feel

Like You. You are a partially refaced kitchen cabinet. Googly Glass is your veneer.

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Googly Glass Pioneers

Googly Glass Pioneers

Franny Baker


Yeah, I signed up to try Google Glass. But do you know what? It cost $1500. Do you think I have $1500? Have you seen what my kids wear to school? It's not Nieman Marcus, I'll tell you that.

For $1500, I could probably buy an Eileen Fisher suit.


W.M Knight


Googly Glass is like a cold shower on a hot day.  Freshly milled cash falling out of your pocket. Pavement cracking under the weight of my masculine steps. 


Katie C.


Ever since I bought Googly Glass, people won't stop complimenting me! Sometimes the amount of attention I get is a little embarrassing. But I've never seen anything wrong with standing out, especially in a world where women still only earn 80% of men's salaries! I can use all the help I can get!

Who I Am

Who I Am


A founder with a passion for innovation and disruption. Finding creative solutions to problems no one's been able to solve for hundreds of thousands of years. The Mayan Calendar guides me in all major decisions.